Rare Coin Values

Rare coin

values can be a highly tricky and subjective arena to navigate within the numismatic

universe. To determine a rare coin value means to place an extreme measure of

scrutiny to the piece and is usually done through the eyes of many coin professionals

collectively working together to come up with a final appraisal. Every coin

professional can generally recite the key dates or better dates from any series

of U.S. coins and many have a much broader knowledge when it comes to foreign

coins. Once identifying a coin as being a rare coin within a series, it then

becomes a painstaking process looking for minting flaws, wear patterns, surface

scratches and marks, rim damage, evidence of cleaning, stage of circulation

and, finally, pouring over the finer details of the coin. If many of these qualifiers

are evident in a particular key date or better date coin, it could disqualify

it as being a rare coin. Many times even the most minute detail can affect the

rare coin value dramatically. If a rare coin is discovered to be in an uncirculated

state, just the slightest scratch could be the difference of hundreds or even

thousands of dollars in the final determination of that rare coin value.

It's important

to understand that most coins in any particular coin collection are not going

to be rare coins. The definition of a rare coin mandates that the coin be of

a significantly less mintage than the average coin from any series. For example,

of all the Washington Quarters made in the last 80 plus years, only two would

qualify as being key dates, or possibly rare coins, and those are the 1932-D

and the 1932-S, remembering of course that they would have to be in exceptional

state. Most U.S. coins of the 20th and 21st centuries will not qualify as rare

coins, simply because with modern minting technologies and the vastly growing

economy of the U.S. during this time period, there were millions, and in some

cases, billions of coins made for each series in each year. This has a direct

effect on numismatics and the collecting of rare coins. One would generally

have to go as far back as the early 19th century to find an abundance of what

would qualify as rare coins within each series of U.S. coins, and even then,

the knowledgeable collector would have to understand all of the qualifiers that

transform an average low minted coin into a rare coin status.

If there

is ever any doubt as to the rarity of any coin, or to determine a rare coin

value, bring your collection into Nevada Coin & Jewelry so that you can utilize

the expertise of the highly trained coin professionals. With several decades

of combined experience, the friendly and efficient staff can easily identify

and determine any possible rare coins within your collection and evaluate that

rare coin value.

(702) 256-2646

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